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Christina Vlinder
5 min read
Caring for the Caregiver
How does the Educaring® Approach guide us with regard to self-care? How can we begin to set some boundaries in order to care for ourselves?

Christina Vlinder
2 min read
Limits Are My Responsibility
Children struggle with limits because their brains are still developing. It's our responsibility to set limits in a way that works.

Christina Vlinder
2 min read
The Development of Empathy
By letting children work out most conflicts on their own (while adults provide narration and keep things safe), we show that we trust...

Christina Vlinder
3 min read
Scripts For Selective Intervention
If we model respect and giving kids safe places to experiment with emotions and sharing, the natural human drive for empathy will win out.

Christina Vlinder
2 min read
Three Conflicts, Three Solutions
I have a few interesting sharing interactions in the toddler class to share with you. During all these interactions, I was nearby. I...

Christina Vlinder
2 min read
Self Soothing (It's Not Just for Babies...)
You’ve probably heard that children respond best to parents and caregivers who are calm and unruffled. But how do we do that?

Christina Vlinder
2 min read
Why Should I Let a Toddler Take a Toy?
Giving children the opportunity to solve conflicts on their own allows them to come up with varied, authentic responses to conflict, all...
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